Sunday, February 27, 2005


barusan aja aku baca2 blog temen2ku
dan aku jadi terinspirasi utk nulis ttg resolution deh
new year resolution nih maksudnya

dulunya, ciee....
iya, dulu pas tanggal 1 januari 2005
aku dah bikin new year resolution
nulis resolutionnya nih ga pakai acara ceremony2-an
malah kertas buat nulis si resolution ini kertas jelek banget
yang udah kelipet-lipet dan ketulis-tulies
udah diremet2 pula
pokonya kertas jelek deh

dengan pd-nya aku nulis resolutionku sbb:
(eh bentar.. kok lupa ya.. cari kertasnya dulu....)
(after few minutes)
(shit..shit... kertasnya ilang...huaa...:( )

1. coba nepati janji
2. eat less
3. sport more
4. sekolah yg bener

yah pokoknya gitu lah kira2.. ingetnya cuma nomer 1 sampe 3. yang nomer 4 itu tuh barusan aja dibikin
hihihihi.. valid nggak ya??

aku jadi mikir, sejauh ini apa resolution ku udah kutepati.
let's see..mari kita berkapitulasi

1. nepati janji : keliatannya aku lebih bisa nepatin janji deh taun ini dari pada taon lalu.
moga2 aja terus berlanjut sampe seterusnya..

2. eat less : sodara2.. dng malu saya ngaku kalo saya tambah gendut... aaarrgghhhhh.. gimana nih
sebel deh. gara2 winter yg kelamaan nih. makanya aku jadi bruang, yg isinya makan dan tidur mlulu..
alhasil resolusi nomer 3 jadinya juga gak kejadian..
moga2 aja di bulan2 mendatang, diet tambah lancar.. dan pas summer bisa pake baju2 yg pas :d
hehehe... ada seseorang nih yg pingin di-impress wakakakakaka...

4. sekolah yg bener : sampe sejauh ini.. nggak tau.. barusan aja mulai, moga2 lancar deh. soalnya susah banget sih
tapi kesusahan pelajarannya terkompensasi kok sama docentnya.. hahaha... cakep banget oii..

krn bulan februari udah ampir abis, aku mo berusaha dari awal lagi utk nepatin these resolutions.. anggep aja deh awal yg baru
udah ah.. mo kerjain tugas dulu

ik ben moe

mood: sleepy and lazy
background music: ray charles' Georgia on my mind

Thinking about the late Ray Charles, bring me to the film Ray. Saw it the other day on the special collaboration with Amsterdam Jazz orchestra and thanks to a friend who gave the ticket as a late b'day present.

It was such a great evening, inspite of the cold weather outside. The film was great but won't get my vote for the best movie though. What I enjoyed the most was the performance of the orchestra and the singer, Madeline something, forgot it.
She has absolutely fabulous voice which is great for the typical ray charles' melody.

They performed some of the most well known Ray's songs, like Hit the road jack, Mess around, and What'd I say, which was the closure for the evening. Trying to relive the act on the movie where Ray song What'd I say, Madeline asked everyone to sing along with her. And spontaneously everyone started to stand up and dance. It felt so good seeing all the people singing along and having such a good time.

Enough bout Ray, since I'm not really a fans of him, I think he was a hypersexual and a bit of a creep. But ya, that's only my impression from the movie.

Friday, February 25, 2005

inside a girl head

oh my god, he is here... look cool and cute!!
damn, he's smiling at me
say something smart and again look cute!!
how to do subtle flirting?????
man.. i'm blushing
i bet he can hear my heart beats
what does he mean by that?
come on you fool, make a move first
freak, that's it??
another sleepless night deciphering what he wants then

another attempt to stay awake

as the title reveals
aku lagi bosen banget di kantor
dengan kerjaan2 yang sama bosenin-nya
kerjaan yang kalo aku mau jujur
nggak bakalan ku kerjain dng level pendidikanku yg skrg

but since life is full with dillema
i am soo trapped in this most boring job in the world
kalo aja...

kalo aja aku kaya ....
ga bakalan aku landed doing this job
aku bisa belajar lebih serius
biar jadi orang yg lbh pinter

tapi aku jadinya mikir kalo misalnya jalan hidupku bisa diatur semau gue
will i be the person that i am today?
nah, karena aku ga bisa ngatur idupku sak karepku dewe
jadinya ......


lazy ass

goooooddd morning...
beautiful day is coming
the weather looks ok
a bit cold for this time of the year
but at least the sun is shining
trust me, if you live here, it is a miracle
that no clouds are covering the sun

feel kinda slow and low
it's friday and really hv no intention
to sit in the office the whole day
to be in the same room with all the old, nasty, and stinky men
they are just oblivious about the smell

anyway, been listening to the whole De-Lovely soundtrack this morning
feel a bit happier after Elvis Costello's Let's Misbehave
sounds a good advice huh..

time to go back to work now
but, i'm such a lazy ass
so probably i'll just sit around
and look busy

February, month of stories

lots of things happened this month
so many that i couldn't even remember it one by one
but let's give it a shot, shall we?
first thing first, i'm officially a student again
a grad student to be precise

hoooraayy for me...
i also figured out what i want to be
the feeling that you finally know who you want to be
can't even describe it in words
i want to be: a scientist

i remember when i was a child, my mom asked me many times
darling, what do you want to be in the future?
i remember i couldn't answer it directly like any other kids would
and when i finally gave my answer
i know, already, that's not what i want
so, trust me, it's such a relieve
one particular word that i've been looking for all these years

but now, a pessimistic as i always am
start asking and doubting
what if....
can not do this
fail to do that
not my real me

funny thing though
as if God knows my questions
many things came up and appeared
as if to show me this is right
i will wait and see if that is so
(just realize, i shouldn't only wait, i have to do)

next event, please

four years had i spent
failed to loving or caring
for anyone special
feared that i couldn't love
feared that i am dead inside

a man
passion for what he does
intelligence to know what he wants
know when to make me laugh
trigger the butterflies in my stomach to fly

quoting Bobby Darin
why must i be a teenager in love?
blush whenever he's around
talking nonsense
can't even look him in the eye

be in love is wonderful
be in love is a gift
hangin' there
cherish it
let it blossom

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Test drive on blogger

Hmm... let's see if I'm smart enough to navigate this bloggger thing