Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Percaya nggak kalo aku bilang aku punya masalah paling gede? Kasihan nggak kalian kalo aku bilang masalahku itu nggak bisa terpecahkan? Aku bilang gini bukan gara2 aku punya masalah gede, rumit, dan tak terpecahkan.. Bukan.
Cuma barusan kepikir aja kalo manusia itu memang sejak dulu mikir dirinya sendiri adalah pusat dari semuanya. Masalahku yang paling gede, mobilku paling keren, rumahku paling gede, anakku paling pinter, dst, dst...

Contohnya jauh sebelum Copernicus menyatakan theori heliocentric-nya, orang2 jaman itu menganggap bahwa cosmos itu berputar dengan bumi sebagai porosnya. (Ok mungkin bukan contoh yg bagus, but do you see the similarity?)

Dan begitulah.. aku sudah capek kerja di kantor ini. Yang orang2nya menganggap bahwa masalahnya adalah masalah yang paling gede dan harus mendapatkan prioritas nomer satu. Orang2 yang nggak mau mendengarkan pendapat orang lain. Bilangnya di luar "Ok aku minta pendapat kalian" tapi selanjutnya pendapat kita ditentang mati2an dan membuat orang2 lainnya merasa kita itu orang2 bodoh yang mestinya nggak bikin pernyataan bodoh kaya itu tadi. Geezz.. ngapain dong tanya pendapat kalo ntar juga pendapat dia yg harus disetujui?

Gosh.. I'm so fed up dan the worst thing is I dont get enough money that I'm supposed to get for the job. Enough is enough.

Ok, sejenak menjadi an egocentric-needs attention-materialistic-center of the world-bitch.
I'm so indecisive and so tired of not having enough money. Been working my ass off and can't even afford to buy new wardrobe, get a decent vacation, or having a nice 4-course meal. WTF..

But on the other hand, I should consider myself lucky. I'm not that fortunate money-wise but still I'm thankful for the friends and family that I have. They worth more than money can buy.

(barusan nyadar kalo aku tuh kok sukanya nyampur bahasa indo sama inggris yah. nyampur aduk gak karuan kaya jangan asem hehe..)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

To you,

I'm confused and I cannot find the answer
I am trying to find the answer
But I haven't got it yet
And that's why I'm angry
Angry to you
Angry to myself
For not being strong enough
For not standing up

Just want to talk to you coz I miss you so much
But how could we talk if you're avoiding me?
This doesn't feel good
So much unspoken feeling

We got this far so why ruining it?
To you my friend I write this letter.
The letter that will never be sent and will never be read by you.
My dearest, I love you and I miss you so much.
I wish you only knew..

For you my dear friend, from Amsterdam with love.