Sunday, July 10, 2005

Bomb and Harry Potter

News were over-exploded with the bombing in London and another bomb threat in Birmingham today. Saw the news the other day and I literally shivered. The thought of some cold blooded, probably insane human being, that could do this thing to another living creature, somehow I still cannot believe it. People are almost certain that the Islamic terrorists were behind this terrible deed. And that makes me think, why people do such things for the reason of religion, any kind of religion? Don't they realize that what they did just worstened the situation for another people practising the same religion?? And I'm not only talking about Islam here, but also about Christian, Jews, or whatever it is.
Although I'm not practising any religion but living in a western community that somehow kinda think negatively over a certain beliefs, I really hope for all the people out there to keep the faith and just be tolerant to each other. And especially for those crazy people, isn't that what they are being taught so far?? Be kind to your fellow human being, don't kill, don't steal, etc, etc, .... I really think those morons should look at their books once more and try to find what God really wants instead of just interpreting what God's will are and then suit or fit it for their own bestwill.

Phew... I really want to take my mind off this problem for a while and remember just now that the sixth Harry Potter book will come out next week at 00.00 16 July 2005. So by this time next week I would be sitting on my couch reading the book from cover to cover and won't rest till it's over and find out who dies at this book. Hwahahahhahahaha... suddenly feel a bit elevated. Pity is that I can't come to the launching party since I got to work. Damn.......

If only the good people possess such magical power as Harry, I bet there will be less chaos in this world... I miss my childhood, where I can spend hours busy with my imagination. Just lying in a dark room and accompanied by a torch, everything was possible back then. The world where I had no conscience about terrorist, or money, or hatred, or stress, or George Bush, and another crappy things. But yeah everything comes with a price. Udah ah, jadi pingin pulang ke mama kalo inget masalah kaya gini.

i: Plis plis God, kasi saya duit biar bisa pulang ke indo sebentar aja buat recharge kestabilan emosi saya.
G: Hmm, boleh deh nanti saya transfer ya. Tapi ini cuma karena saya lagi menang taruhan lawan Devil.
i: Taruhan apa God? Emangnya God boleh juga taruhan yah?
G: Itu tuh, saya menang taruhan kalo London bakal jadi tempat Olimpiade tahun 2012. Si Devil, dia kan kroninya Chirac.. Eeh, kalah taruhan dia enaknya nge bomb London. Dasar nggak sportif. Ntar deh, saya mau balas dia. Tapi jangan bilang siapa2 yah. Rahasia gede nih. Kalo ketauan sama si Bush bisa gawat, CIA kan markas terselubungnya Devil.
i: Wah, iya deh. Tapi janji ya duitnya ditransfer cepet. Hmm, ternyata God suka taruhan juga ya... Merubah perspektif nih.
G: Lha ya itu, imej kamu ttg saya itu salah kaprah. Saya juga God biasa loh, bukan God super. Saya masih berguru tuh sama dia.
i: ok deh God, kalo dah lulus bikin party gede yah.
G: Jangan khawatir deh. Ntar kalo saya lulus, poverty di Afrika saya ilangin dan kamu saya traktir nonton North Sea.


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