Anti-Spoiler Jinx
About spoiler, saya punya love and hate relationship dng hal satu ini. Lagi pengen ngomong ttg spoiler karena wiken kemarin udah ngabisin baca my precious, HP and the HBP. Terus abis baca, iseng2 liat di internet commentnya orang2 ttg buku ini gimana. Lha eh, aku kaget banget... ternyata orang2 itu pada ngasih review dan juga ngasih spoiler. Gimana seeehhh... Jadinya mereka dng gampangnya ngomong siapa tuh yg mati, siapa ngelakuin apa, en gimana endingnya. Aku pikir ini nggak fair banget utk orang yg belum baca bukunya. It's a violation of human right!!
Mungkin aku terlalu exaggerating utk hal ini, tapi mungkin ada juga yg bakalan setuju sama aku. Karena pendapatku utk hal yg satu ini bener2 absolut, jangan pernah baca spoiler untuk sebuah buku. Kalo film, aku nggak seberapa masalah (kecuali kalo film yg bener2 bagus). Tapi buku beda banget sama film. Baca buku itu membutuhkan daya imajinasi dan konsentrasi yang kuat. And what's more important is to build the suspense and the sensation, and the plot in your mind. But when you already know the end of the book, the journey towards the end of the book would not be as good as it is. Jadinya aku buete banget sama orang2 kayak gitu, yang sama sekali nggak menghargai bagaimana susahnya seorang penulis mencoba utk mengilustrasikan kata demi kata utk mencapai the big bang.
Aduh susah banget ngomong pake bahasa indo.. Lanjut... So probably they don't realize what they did just ruined the other readers' happiness and satisfaction, and possibly the art work of an author. But I think I'll better make peace with it and try not to get too emotional bout it anyway. I know nobody else who has complained about spoiler of a book. Readers out there, you know what I feel rite??
About HBP, the opinions of the readers are split into good or bad. Lotsa people think that 2 years waiting of the book is not worth it. I, on the other hand, think that this book absolutely worth it. Although missing some thriller and action as in OotP or GoF, JKR absolutely reached a new different level with HBP. The maturity, the plot, and the combination of the darker and the lighter side of the book totally amazed me. She brings HP to a different level. The emotion HBP brings for me, I've never felt it before with the previous 5 books. I know that this book would just be an opening for the last and the grand finale, which I'm absolutely sure that JKR would be able to do as successfully as she did for HBP. While I'm writing this, I couldn't help but begin my obsession again for the last book. Ah, I guess I just have to enjoy the waiting time, and then let JK to amaze me again with the final one.
Somehow I feel quite sad that HP's adventure would be over soon, I guess in another 2 years (finger crossed). I feel like I know his character through and through and by finishing his last adventure, I feel like I'm going to say goodbye to him, forever. For sure, I'm gonna miss him. But I think he deserves a rest. And JKR too, after a second thought :P But for now, I'll let my crossed eyes rest, preparing for the next 12 hours nonstop reading.
Mungkin aku terlalu exaggerating utk hal ini, tapi mungkin ada juga yg bakalan setuju sama aku. Karena pendapatku utk hal yg satu ini bener2 absolut, jangan pernah baca spoiler untuk sebuah buku. Kalo film, aku nggak seberapa masalah (kecuali kalo film yg bener2 bagus). Tapi buku beda banget sama film. Baca buku itu membutuhkan daya imajinasi dan konsentrasi yang kuat. And what's more important is to build the suspense and the sensation, and the plot in your mind. But when you already know the end of the book, the journey towards the end of the book would not be as good as it is. Jadinya aku buete banget sama orang2 kayak gitu, yang sama sekali nggak menghargai bagaimana susahnya seorang penulis mencoba utk mengilustrasikan kata demi kata utk mencapai the big bang.
Aduh susah banget ngomong pake bahasa indo.. Lanjut... So probably they don't realize what they did just ruined the other readers' happiness and satisfaction, and possibly the art work of an author. But I think I'll better make peace with it and try not to get too emotional bout it anyway. I know nobody else who has complained about spoiler of a book. Readers out there, you know what I feel rite??
About HBP, the opinions of the readers are split into good or bad. Lotsa people think that 2 years waiting of the book is not worth it. I, on the other hand, think that this book absolutely worth it. Although missing some thriller and action as in OotP or GoF, JKR absolutely reached a new different level with HBP. The maturity, the plot, and the combination of the darker and the lighter side of the book totally amazed me. She brings HP to a different level. The emotion HBP brings for me, I've never felt it before with the previous 5 books. I know that this book would just be an opening for the last and the grand finale, which I'm absolutely sure that JKR would be able to do as successfully as she did for HBP. While I'm writing this, I couldn't help but begin my obsession again for the last book. Ah, I guess I just have to enjoy the waiting time, and then let JK to amaze me again with the final one.
Somehow I feel quite sad that HP's adventure would be over soon, I guess in another 2 years (finger crossed). I feel like I know his character through and through and by finishing his last adventure, I feel like I'm going to say goodbye to him, forever. For sure, I'm gonna miss him. But I think he deserves a rest. And JKR too, after a second thought :P But for now, I'll let my crossed eyes rest, preparing for the next 12 hours nonstop reading.
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